Houston Kachin Baptist Church
Who Houston Kachin Baptists Are
Houston Kachin Baptist Church is a Christ-centered Burma’s immigrant community of believers in God as brought into the New World of America per the plan of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the covenantal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the unique calling, the equality of all God’s people, unity in diversity, and the priesthood of all believers.
We believe in the communion of our Lord Jesus Christ and follow to bear our discipleship to bear witness of the Salvation and its Good News through worship, ministries, and mission.
The Church opens to affirm its primary call to serve the least as Jesus Christ did in the Scripture by welcoming Burma’s refugees arriving to settle in this country once gone through the same oppression.
We define our faith commitments to:
· Congregational worship shapes the mind and the heart godly and lifts the spirit celebrating through the music of praise and worship, witnesses, and message.
· The ministry, to the least that carries, is relevant, outreach, wholistic, and partner-shipping with a mission and ministry of Kachin Baptist Churches, as rooted and shared the same faith heritage.
· Love, justice, and peace to one another as God does to us. We learn to put these faith norms into daily practice through missions and ministries in our Church family, community, and neighbors.
· We are to proclaim the salvific faith, which is self-sacrificing, accessible for free, responsible, socially mattered, and wholistically relevant to our needs so that we may care and extend our fellowship with the mindset of Christ in our society.

Senior Pastor
Rev. Lahpai Shawng Htoi (2021-)
Sarah Kaw Jah Alai
Nu Hkaw Htawshe
Praise & Worship Leader
Hkawn Hpang M. Lahi
Executive Minister:
Rev. Lahpai Shawng Htoi
Hannah Htoi San Doi Zenon
Hkawn Hpang M. Lahi